About Me

Stella Mars

I have began my astrology career at young age and since I’ve written horoscopes for international editions of famous magazines. I am the author of the bestseller Horoscope Guide. My online free horoscopes are read by more than 5.000 people.

Personal Readings

Relationship Compatibility

Ruled by Mercury, there are a little commons between Gemini and Cancer. It’s all about being heard and read. There, the similarities end, however. The body, mind and spirit can’t be separated and it’s physical being which dictates spiritual contentment.

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There are so many interesting times experimenting with the astrology, using the guide in the week of full Moon. For example, Speed Astrology is solar chart astrology, the preferred method of professional media astrologers worldwide.

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Tarot Card Reading


Select a deck of cards in the same way you would do for a WordPress gallery, choose the number of cards to draw, the cards back-face and the number of columns for the gallery.

Select a deck of cards in the same way you would do for a WordPress gallery, choose the number of cards to draw, the cards back-face and the number of columns for the gallery.

Reversed World Tarot Love Meaning
While other aspects of your life may be going well, it seems like when it comes to love, something is missing. The reversed World tarot love meaning signals a feeling of incompletion; a nearing to the end of one cycle, but not quite there. You are so close to feeling fulfilled and happy, but something prevents you from seeing it. Are you not seeing your partner for all the wonderful things they are? Or is a past relationship coloring your experience of this one? Do you not have a feeling of closure from a past partner? Something requires you to tie up loose ends right now, so that you can be happy in the moment.

Career Meaning – Reversed World
Have you finally accomplished a big career goal that you wanted for a long time, only to find that the rewards aren’t quite as sweet as you thought they were? Or have you fallen just shy of what you wanted to accomplish? The reversed World signals nearing completion, but perhaps missing the final pieces that would make you truly feel fulfilled. Perhaps your goals have been too defined by what others perceive as success, or perhaps you have set your bar too low that reaching this goal felt unchallenging. Now is the time to reevaluate your goals and make the adjustments as necessary.

Finances Meaning – Reversed World
Even if you’re in a financially comfortable position, you may feel stagnant and unhappy with what you have. There is likely a reevaluation of your relationship to the material things that needs to be adjusted with the reversed World. If you’ve found that you’ve fallen short of your financial goals, now is not the time to indulge in feelings of disappointment; you are close to what you’d like to achieve; remain consistent and you’ll find comfort.

Upright World Tarot Love Meaning
Your relationship gives you a sense of deep fulfillment and gratitude right now. The World tarot love meaning signals a feeling of completion and happiness. At times, this card can even suggest moving to the next step of your relationship, such as marriage or starting a family. As you complete one cycle in your life, you are also looking towards the future into next steps. You and your partner may be making plans, perhaps even big decisions.

Even when single, there is a sense of fulfillment and happiness here. Before getting into a relationship, one must feel like a whole person. While a relationship may be nice, you are confident on your own. You have this sense of wholeness and self understanding right now, giving you great opportunities to meet new and exciting people, as well as charm and magnetism.

Career Meaning – Upright World
Be proud of yourself, as you have done what you have set out to do when it comes to your career. Whether that means finding a job that makes you feel fulfilled both spiritually and materially, finishing a particularly challenging project, or opening your own business, there’s much to celebrate right now. Take the time now to enjoy what you have earned. It’s likely you’re already thinking about what comes next, as this is the normal cycle of things. For now, enjoy the moment.

Finances Meaning – Upright World
You may have worked hard in order to reach your financial goals, and now may be the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Perhaps you’ve paid off some debt, found security after saving, or made a large purchase that you’ve saved up for. Give yourself a pat on the back and be proud of what you’ve accomplished. Now can be the time of thinking about other long term goals. Since the World also represents a feeling of wholeness, take some time to understand how your finances fit into the bigger picture of your life.

Select a deck of cards in the same way you would do for a WordPress gallery, choose the number of cards to draw, the cards back-face and the number of columns for the gallery.

Select a deck of cards in the same way you would do for a WordPress gallery, choose the number of cards to draw, the cards back-face and the number of columns for the gallery.




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